Useful Information

Time Difference / Business Hours

Korean time is 9 hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT+9). / No daylight savings time

Business hours for banks are generally from 09:30 to 16:30 on weekdays only. Banks are closed on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. ATMs are widely available. Major department stores are open from 10:30 to 19:30, including Sundays, but smaller shops tend to open earlier and close later every day.

International Call

International dialing code in Korea is +82. Please omit (0) when dialing from overseas.


Tipping is not a traditional custom in Korea. A 10% service charge will be added to your bill at all tourist restaurants and hotels. It is also not necessary to tip a taxi driver unless he assists you with luggage or provides an extra service.


In Korea, electrical outlets are operated at 220 volt only.
Overseas delegates bringing laptop computers and other electrical appliances are advised to check whether a transformer is required.

Emergency & Useful Contacts in Korea
Emergency calls (24 hours)
  • Police : 112
  • Fire & Ambulance : 119
  • Emergency Medical Information Center : 1339
  • Local Telephone Number Guide : 114
For visitors from overseas
  • Seoul's Dasan 120 Call Center : 120 (for foreign language: 09:00-19:00)
  • Seoul Global Center : 1688-0120 (09:00-18:00, weekdays only)
  • Korean Tourism Organization Information : 1330 (24 hours)
  • BBB Korea (Free Interpretation Service): 1588-5644, or download application on a mobile device
Useful Website
  • Incheon International Airport :
  • Korea Immigration Service :
  • Gimpo International Airport :
  • Gimhae International Airport :
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